Translation "8088" to Serbian




Plural: 8088s

Definition and meaning

The microprocessor on which the original IBM PC was based. Released by Intel in 1978, the 8088 is identical to the 8086 but transfers information 8 bits at a time (through an 8-bit data bus) rather than 16 bits at a time (through a 16-bit data bus). See also 8086, bus.

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Serbian translation


masculinecomputersIPA: / 8088 /

Prvi mikroprocesor koji je korišćen u IBM personalnom računaru. Iako je 8088 16-bitni mikroprocesor, on može da prenosi samo 8-bitne podatke, što liči na gradski autobus koji ima samo jedna umesto dvoja vrata.

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Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.