Translation "abalone" to Serbian

biserna školjka


nounzoologyIPA: / abalˈɔn /

Plural: abalones

Definition and meaning

Ear-shaped marine shellfish, yielding mother-of-pearl; ear-shell.
Edible marine snail of the worldwide genus Haliotis, family Haliotidae. Abalones have flattened, oval, spiraled shells, which have holes around the outer edge and a bluish mother-of-pearl
lining. This lining is used in ornamental work.Any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Heliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior; SYN. ear-shell.

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Translate 'abalone' into
Serbian translation

biserna školjka

femininezoologyIPA: / biserna ʃkoʎka /

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