Translation "abbreviate" to Serbian

kratiti · potkratiti · skratiti
skraćena adresa
skraćeno adresiranje
skraćeno biranje


verbIPA: / əbriːviet /
Definition and meaning

1. To shorten words, usually by reducing them to their initials
2. To shorten or condense anything, especially in duration


abridge · contract · cut · foreshorten · reduce · shorten

Grammar - Conjugation
Translate 'abbreviate' into
Serbian translation


verbIPA: / kratiti /


verbIPA: / potkratiti /


verbIPA: / skratiti /
Dakle, pitamo se, možete li promeniti pravila igre i skratiti izglede?
Source: TED2020
Shvatate da možete skratiti drugi fitilj tako što ćete ga upaliti u isto vreme kada upalite i prvi.
Source: TED2020
I kada pogledate koliko je vremena bilo potrebno da se napravi vakcina protiv H1N1, smatramo da možemo skratiti taj proces i to prilično značajno.
Source: TED2020

abbreviated address

nounIPA: / əˈbriːviˌetəd ˈæˌdres /

Plural: abbreviated addresses

Translate 'abbreviated address' into
Serbian translation

skraćena adresa

feminineIPA: / skratɕena adresa /

abbreviated addressing

nounIPA: / əˈbriːviˌetəd əˈdresɪŋ /

Plural: abbreviated addressings

Translate 'abbreviated addressing' into
Serbian translation

skraćeno adresiranje

nounIPA: / skratɕeno adresiraɲe /

abbreviated dial code

nounIPA: / əˈbriːviˌetəd ˈdaɪəl koʊd /

Plural: abbreviated dial codes

Translate 'abbreviated dial code' into
Serbian translation

skraćeno biranje

nounIPA: / skratɕeno biraɲe /

Similar words to "abbreviate"

Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.