Translation "abdomen" to Serbian

abdomen · zadak · zadak u kukaca · trbuh · trbušna duplja


nounanatomyIPA: / abdomˈɛn /

Plural: abdomens

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin abdomen (a word of uncertain etymol.): cf. French abdomen.
The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis; SYN. venter, stomach, belly.
In vertebrates, the part of the body below the thorax, containing the digestive organs; in insects and other arthropods, it is the hind part of the body. In mammals, the a
bdomen is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm, a sheet of muscular tissue; in arthropods, commonly by a narrow constriction. The female reproductive organs are in the abdomen. In insects and spiders, it is characterized by the absence of limbs.

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Translate 'abdomen' into
Serbian translation


masculineanatomyIPA: / abdomen /

Trbuh, stomak, trbušna šupljina.

Ovo je secirani abdomen bubašvabe.
Source: TED2020
Hirurg koristi ovu spravu tako što je uzme i pritiska o abdomen sve dok ga ne probije.
Source: TED2020


masculineIPA: / zadak /

zadak u kukaca

masculineIPA: / zadak u kukatsa /


masculineanatomyIPA: / trbux /


Drugo: trbuh luka je uvučen ka sredini zarad veće težine povlačenja, što podrazumeva veću snagu.
Source: TED2020

trbušna duplja

feminineanatomyIPA: / trbuʃna dupʎa /

Nalazi se u srednjem delu trupa, koji je smešten izmešu grudnog koša i karlice. Unutrašnju gornju granicu ove duplje predstavlja prečaga ili dijafragma, pljosnat i zasvođen mišić, koji odvaja grudnu od trbušne dupnje.

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