Translation "ablative" to Serbian

ablativan · ablativni


adjectivelinguisticsIPA: / ablatˈiv /
Definition and meaning

ETYM French ablatif, ablative, Latin ablativus from ablatus. Related to Ablation.
1. Tending to ablate; i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature.
2. (Linguistics) Relating to the ablative case.

Translate 'ablative' into
Serbian translation


adjectivelinguisticsIPA: / ablatiʋan /

Odnosi se na ablativ.


adjectivelinguisticsIPA: / ablatiʋni /

Koji se tiče ablativa ili pripada ablativu; ablativni genitiv je genitiv kojim se kazuje otkuda nešto potiče, ili od čega se rastavlja i udaljava, npr. Treba se kloniti rđavih prijatelja; Srećno smo se oslobodili neprijatelja.


nounlinguisticsIPA: / ablatˈiv /

Plural: ablatives

Definition and meaning

The case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb; SYN. ablative case.
Indicating direction from or time when
Signifying agency
In the grammar of certain inflected languages,
such as Latin, the ablative case is the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective used to indicate the agent in passive sentences or the instrument, manner, or place of the action described by the verb.

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Translate 'ablative' into
Serbian translation


masculinelinguisticsIPA: / ablatiʋ /

Šesti padež u deklinaciji nekih jezika (npr. u latinskom koji označava udaljavanje, odvajanje, poticaenj odnekud, poreklo).
Padež odvajanja, kre
tanja odnekud, poticanja; u srpskom jeziku jednak sa genitivom i u tome značenju se naziva ablativni genitiv.

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