Translation "ablution" to Serbian

ablucija · ispiranje · pranje · ritualno pranje · čišćenje


nounIPA: / ablysjˈɔ̃ /

Plural: ablutions

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin ablutio, from abluere: cf. French ablution. Related to Abluent.
Act of washing; Washing for a religious purpose. For example, Hindus wash before praying, preferably in running water, and washing in certain rivers, especially the Ganges, is believed to give spiritual benefit.
Muslims wash themselves (wudu) before prayers, but this is seen as a mark of respect for God and a preparation for prayer rather than conferring any benefit in itself.
lief in ablution as purification are found in Christianity and Shinto.
In Japanese myth, for example, Izanagi purifies himself by washing in a river after visiting the netherworld. The emphasis in Shinto is on cleansing to remove defilement, not to purify from sin.
The act of washing oneself (or another person); SYN. washup, bathing.

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Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / ablutsija /

Pranje, umivanje, čišćenje; običaj katoličkih sveštenika da posle pričešća peru ruke; ispiranje putira posle pričešća.


nounIPA: / ispiraɲe /
Jednom sam tvitovala, gde mogu da nađem posudu za ispiranje nosa u Melburnu?
Source: TED2020
Ali možda ispiranje mozga nije uvek loše.
Source: TED2020
Ovo je američka himna uz ručak zaliven tečnošću za ispiranje usta.
Source: TED2020


nounIPA: / praɲe /
Pranje ruku sapunom zadržava decu u školi.
Source: TED2020
Treba mu pranje.
Source: Tatoeba
Ako mi pokažete muškarca koji može da bude sa ženom kojoj je dosta svega, koja ne može više, a da njegova prva reakcija nije: "ispraznio sam mašinu za pranje suđa!"
Source: TED2020

ritualno pranje

nounIPA: / ritualno praɲe /


nounIPA: / tʃiʃtɕeɲe /
Kompulzije mogu da obuhvataju preterano čišćenje ili proveravanje, sve do probirljivog uređenja predmeta ili hodanje po unapred određenim obrascima.
Source: TED2020
Duboki san je za mozak kao čišćenje pod pritiskom.
Source: TED2020
Danas, pre će žene raditi kućne poslove nego muškarci - kuvanje i čišćenje.
Source: TED2020

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Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.