Translation "abominable snowman" to Serbian

abominable snowman

nounIPA: / əˌbɒmɪnəbl ˈsnoʊmæn /

Plural: abominable snowmen

Definition and meaning

Or yeti; Legendary creature, said to resemble a human, with long arms and a thickset body covered with reddish gray hair. Reports of its existence in the Himalayas have been made since 1832, and they gained substance from a published photograph of a huge footprint in the snow in 1951. No further “evidence” has been found.
Large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas; SYN. yeti.
A mysterious creature with human or apelike characteristics reported to exist in the high Himalayas — called also yeti

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Translate 'abominable snowman' into
Serbian translation


masculineIPA: / jeti /

Veliki čovekoliki majmun koji je navodno viđen na Himalajima.
Snežni čovek.

Ovo sam radio kroz šalu, znate, napravio bih... ovo je "Spiralni Jeti" Roberta Smitsona, a onda bih ostavio tragove, kao da je to urađeno na stolu.
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.