Translation "abracadabra" to Serbian



nounIPA: / abʁakadabʁˈa /

Plural: abracadabras

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin, of unknown origin.
An expression uttered by magicians, designed to produce magical effects.
Magic word first recorded in a Latin poem of the 2nd century AD by the Gnostic poet Serenus Sammonicus. When the letters were w
ritten in the form of an inverted pyramid, so that the word could be read both across the top and up the right-hand side, it was used as a health amulet, to ward off illnesses.

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Translate 'abracadabra' into
Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / abrakadabra /

Jevrejska mađijska reč, bez značenja, koja se napisana na jednom ravnostranom trouglu u jedanaest redaka (svako slovo u jednom redu), nosila oko vrata kao amajlija protiv groznice; danas se upotrebljava samo u šali, kao i "hokuspokus"

MT: Abrakadabra.
Source: TED2020
Source: TED2020
Source: Tatoeba
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.