Translation "Abraham" to Serbian

Abraham's bossom{noun}{slang, dialect}
Abrahams Herold


masculinepersonalIPA: / eɪbrəhæm /
Definition and meaning

The first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son.
(lived c. 2300 BC)
In the Old Testament, founder of the Jewish nation. In his early life he was called Abram. God promised him heirs and land for his people in Canaan (Israel), renamed him Abraham (“father of many nations”), and tested his faith by a command (later retracted) to sacrifice his son Isaac.
Still childless at the age of 76, Abraham subsequently had a son (Ishmael) with his wife's maidservant Hagar, and then, at the age of 100, a son (Isaac) with his wife Sara
h. God's promise to Abraham that his descendants would be a nation and Canaan their land was fulfilled when the descendants of Abraham's grandson Jacob were led out of Egypt by Moses.
Abraham was born in Ur, Mesopotamia. With his father Terah, wife Sarah, and nephew Lot, he migrated to Haran, N Mesopotamia, and then to Canaan, where he received God's promise of land. After visiting Egypt he separated from Lot at Bethel and settled in Hebron (now in Israel). Abraham was buried in Machpelah Cave, Hebron.

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Abraham · Ibrahim

Words nearby

abox · abracadabra · abrade · Abraham · Abrahams · Abraham's bossom · abraid · abrasion

Serbian translation


masculinepersonalIPA: / aʋram /

Muško ime.

Ono što smo mi otkrili jeste to da Avram za te ljude nije samo lik iz knjige, on je živ, on živi u sadašnjosti.
Source: TED2020
Taj čovek je, naravno, bio Avram.
Source: TED2020
Dolaze Avram i Baltazar.
Source: TED2020

Abraham's bossom

nounslang, dialectIPA: / ˈeɪbrəˌhæmɪz |bossom| /

Plural: Abraham's bossoms

Words nearby

abrade · Abraham · Abrahams · Abraham's bossom · abraid · abrasion · abrasive

Serbian translation


masculineIPA: / raj /

Mesto zagrobnog blaženstva, eden, paradiz.

Opet, stručnjaci kažu da "veliki podaci" i društveni mediji za njih nisu samo raj profita, nego i Rajski vrt za nas ostale.
Source: TED2020
Pomfrit sa kečapom je pravi mali raj.
Source: TED2020
A onda vidimo sve te individualne priče gde ponekad isti postupci odvode neke ljude u pakao, a neke u raj.
Source: TED2020


masculinepersonalIPA: / eɪbrəhæmz /
Words nearby

abracadabra · abrade · Abraham · Abrahams · Abraham's bossom · abraid · abrasion · abrasive

Serbian translation

Abrahams Herold

masculinepersonalIPA: / abraxams xerold /

Engleski atletičar.

Similar words to "Abraham"

Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.