Translation "abrasion" to Serbian

abrazija · iznošenost · izoštrenost · nagrizanje · trenje · trošenje stena


nounIPA: / abʁazjˈɔ̃ /

Plural: abrasions

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin abrasio, from abradere. Related to Abrade.
1. An abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off; SYN. scratch, scrape, excoriation.
2. Erosion by friction; SYN. attrition, corrasion, detrition.
Injury caused by, or act of, rubbing or scraping.
In medicine, another term for a graze or other minor lesion where the skin surface is worn away by friction.
In earth
science, the effect of corrasion, a type of erosion in which rock fragments scrape and grind away a surface. The rock fragments may be carried by rivers, wind, ice, or the sea. Striations, or grooves, on rock surfaces are common abrasions, caused by the scratching of rock debris embedded in glacier ice.

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Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / abrazija /

Sastrugavanje, čišćenje struganjem; (med.) čišćenje nagriznim sredstvima; (geol.) odnošenje tarenjem, odronjavanje.


feminineIPA: / iznoʃenost /


feminineIPA: / izoʃtrenost /


nounIPA: / naɡrizaɲe /
Retko kad ih i tuže, nije kao da će dobiti slučaj, ali to ukazuje na nagrizanje autoriteta.
Source: TED2020


nounIPA: / treɲe /


Po većini tela ima uglavnom golu kožu, što smanjuje njeno trenje sa vodom.
Source: TED2020
Trenje je najveće tek kada se prvi put uhvatite ili dodirnete nogom stenu.
Source: TED2020
Poslednji pad je pri uvođenju kupaćih kostima koji prekrivaju celo telo i smanjuju trenje.
Source: TED2020

trošenje stena

nounIPA: / troʃeɲe stena /

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Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.