Translation "absolute value" to Serbian

absolute value{noun}{mathematics}
apsolutna vrednost

absolute value

nounmathematicsIPA: / ˈæbsəˌluːt ˈvæljuː /

Plural: absolute values

Definition and meaning

Or modulus; In mathematics, the value, or magnitude, of a number irrespective of its sign. The absolute value of a number n is written |n| (or sometimes as mod n), and is defined as the positive square root of n2. For example, the numbers -5 and 5 have the same absolute value:
|5| = |-5| = 5
For a complex number, the absolute value is its distance to the origin when it i
s plotted on an Argand diagram, and can be calculated (without plotting) by applying the the Pythagorean theorem. By definition, the absolute value of any complex number a + bi is given by the expression:
|a + bi| = Ö(a2 + b2)
A numerical value regardless of its sign.

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Translate 'absolute value' into
Serbian translation

apsolutna vrednost

femininemathematicsIPA: / apsolutna ʋrednost /

Realni broj bez obzira na predznak.

Sve što je ona u stanju da oseti jeste apsolutna vrednost tih emocija, daljina do koje ste bačeni daleko od sebe samog.
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.