Translation "absolute zero" to Serbian

absolute zero{noun}{physics}
apsolutna nula

absolute zero

nounphysicsIPA: / ˈæbsəˌluːt ˈzɪroʊ /

Plural: absolute zeros

Definition and meaning

The lowest temperature theoretically attainable.
Temperature at which thermal energy is at a minimum. Defined as 0 Kelvin, calculated to be -273.15 [s]C or -459.67[s]F.
Lowest temperature theoretically possible, zero kelvin (0K), equivalent to -273.15ºC/-459.67ºF, at which molecules are motionless. Although the third law of thermodynamics indicates the impossibility of reaching absolute zero exactly, a temperature o
f 7 × 10-6K (seven millionths of a degree above absolute zero) was produced 1993 at Lancaster University, England. Near absolute zero, the physical properties of some materials change substantially (see cryogenics); for example, some metals lose their electrical resistance and become superconductive.

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Serbian translation

apsolutna nula

femininephysicsIPA: / apsolutna nula /
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.