Translation "absorbent cotton" to Serbian

absorbent cotton

nounIPA: / əbˈzɔːrbənt ˈkɑːtn̩ /

Plural: absorbent cottons

Definition and meaning

Usage N.Amer.
1. Soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state
2. Cotton made absorbent by removal of the natural wax; SYN. cotton wool.

Translate 'absorbent cotton' into
Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / ʋata /

Medicinski pamuk.
Higijenski pamuk, izgrebanata i prečišćena vlakna finog pamuka, složena kao listovi.

VK: 12 W (Vata).
Source: TED2020
VK: Mislim da će proizvoditi više od 20 W (Vata).
Source: TED2020
Dizajneri raketa koji koriste solarne ploče ili ćelije goriva, nekoliko vata ili kilovata - vau, to je puno energije.
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.