Translation "abyssal" to Serbian



adjectiveIPA: / abisˈal /
Definition and meaning

ETYM Cf. Abysmal.
Relating to ocean depths from 2000 to 5000 meters.
Biology, more than 300 fathoms below surface of sea.

Translate 'abyssal' into
Serbian translation


adjectiveIPA: / dubok /
Ubacim ih u ovu složenu matricu, a oni mi veruju jer imamo dubok, kvalitetan odnos.
Source: TED2020
Pa, ko su bili ovi ratnici i kako su ostavili tako dalekosežan i dubok trag?
Source: TED2020
Vidite, ovo je nešto što ima dubok uticaj na ljude.
Source: TED2020

abyssal zone

nounIPA: / əˈbɪsl̩ ˈzoʊn /

Plural: abyssal zones

Definition and meaning

The deep sea (2000 meters or more) where there is no light.
Dark ocean region 2,000–6,000 m/6,500–19,500 ft deep; temperature 4ºC/39ºF. Three-quarters of the area of the deep-ocean floor lies in the abyssal zone, which is too far from the surface for p
hotosynthesis to take place. Some fish and crustaceans living there are blind or have their own light sources. The region above is the bathyal zone; the region below, the hadal zone.

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Serbian translation


masculineIPA: / abisal /

Zona najvećih morskih i okeanskih dubina (preko 1000-2000 metara) (grč.)

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