Plural: academies
ETYM French académie, Latin academia. Related to Academe.
1. A learned institution for the advancement of knowledge.
2. A school for special training.
3. A secondary school (usually private).
4. An institution for the advancement of art or science or literature; SYN. honorary society.
Originally, the Greek school of philosophy founded by Plato in the gardens of Academe, NW of Athens; it was closed by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, with the other pagan schools, in AD 529. The first academy (in the present-day sense of a recognized society established for the promotion of one or more of the arts and sciences) was the Museum of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy Soter in the 3rd century BC.
honorary society
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1. Vrt u blizini Atine gde je Platon proučavao o svojoj filozofiji.
2. Platonova škola, Platonova filozofija.
3. Visoka škola za nauku ili umetnost.
4. Udruženje naučenjaka i umetnika radi unapređivanja nauke i umetnosti.
5. Svečana priredba u slavu nekog značajnog događaja ili neke ličnosti.
Obrazovna ustanova.
Plural: academy of arts
academic training · academic year · academies · academism · academize · academy · academy of arts · academy of music · Acadia · acajou · a cake of soap · acalculia
Plural: academy of musics
academic training · academic year · academies · academism · academize · academy · academy of arts · academy of music · Acadia · acajou · a cake of soap · acalculia
Najviša muzička škola, muzička akademija koja ima rang fakulteta (lat.)
Visoka muzička škola (u rangu fakulteta), zavod za negovanje dobre muzike; kuća, u kojoj se čuvaju biljke od zimske hladnoće, zimska bašta.