Translation "acceleration" to Serbian

akceleracija · ubrzanje · ubrzavanje
gravitaciono ubrzanje
vreme ubrzavanja


nounIPA: / akseleʁasjˈɔ̃ /

Plural: accelerations

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin acceleratio: cf. French accélération.
1. The act of accelerating; increasing the speed; SYN. quickening, speedup.
2. Increase in velocity.
3. (Physics) A rate of change of velocity. The first derivative of velocity with respect to time. Units expressed in.
Rate of change of the velocity of a moving body. It is usually measured in feet per second per second (ft s-2) or meters per second per second (m s-2). Because velocity is a vector quantity (possessing both magnitude and direction) a body traveling at constant speed may be said to be accelerating if its direction of motion changes. According to Newton’s second law of motion, a body will accelerate only if it is acted upon by an unbalanced, or resultant, force.
Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleratio
n of a body falling freely under the influence of the Earth’s gravitational field; it varies slightly at different latitudes and altitudes. The value adopted internationally for gravitational acceleration is 32.174 ft s-2/9.806 m s-2.
The average acceleration a of an object traveling in a straight line over a period of time t may be calculated using the formula.
A = change of velocity/t.
Or, where u is its initial velocity and v its final velocity.
A = (v - u)/t.
A negative answer shows that the object is slowing down (decelerating). See also equations of motion.

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quickening · speedup

Translate 'acceleration' into
Serbian translation


femininephysicsIPA: / aktseleratsija /

Ubrzavanje, ubrzanje, pojačanje brzine, pospešenje.


nounIPA: / ubrzaɲe /

Akceleracija, ubrzano kretanje.

Ovo je logaritmična skala, tako da je ono što izgleda kao trajni rast zapravo pravo ubrzanje.
Source: TED2020
I tako, kada sam narednih 10 ili 20 godina odlazila da spavam noću bih razmišljala "Želim da budem prva osoba koja će napraviti crvotočinu, da bi stvari imale veće ubrzanje.
Source: TED2020
Koristite gravitacione manevre u kojima prolazite pored planete veoma nisko, nekoliko stotina kilometara, i onda dobijate besplatno ubrzanje oko Sunca od te planete.
Source: TED2020


nounIPA: / ubrzaʋaɲe /
Čini se kao da su nas tehnolozi odvratili, a sebe obogatili običnim igračkama, stvarima poput ajfona, aplikacija i društvenih mreža, ili algoritama za ubrzavanje automatske trgovine.
Source: TED2020
Potrošeno je stotine miliona dolara i teklo je ubrzavanje proizvodnje vakcina.
Source: TED2020
To je jednostavno ubrzavanje procesa kojim se telo samo leči do klinički značajne brzine.
Source: TED2020

acceleration of gravity

nounIPA: / ˌækˌseləˈreɪʃn̩ əv ˈɡrævəti /

Plural: acceleration of gravities

Definition and meaning

The acceleration of a body in free fall under the influence of earth's gravity expressed as the rate of increase of velocity per unit of time and assigned the standard value of 980.665 centimeters per second per second — called also g.

Serbian translation

gravitaciono ubrzanje

nounIPA: / ɡraʋitatsiono ubrzaɲe /

Ubrzanje sile zemljine teže, obeležava se malim slovom g i iznosi 9.81 m/s2.

acceleration time

nounIPA: / ˌækˌseləˈreɪʃn̩ ˈtaɪm /

Plural: acceleration times

Translate 'acceleration time' into
Serbian translation

vreme ubrzavanja

nounIPA: / ʋreme ubrzaʋaɲa /
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.