Translation "acceptor" to Serbian

akceptant · akceptor · primalac


nounIPA: / ækseptər /

Plural: acceptors

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin.
1. Accepter.
2. One that accepts an order or a bill of exchange.
3. An atom, molecule, or subatomic particle capable of receiving another entity (as an electron) especially to form a c
ompound — compare donor.
The person (or institution) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures.

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Translate 'acceptor' into
Serbian translation


masculineIPA: / aktseptant /

Primalac (kod svakog ugovora, od dveju ugovaračkih strana, paciscenata, jedna je promitent-ponuđač, a druga akceptant-primalac); primalac jedne na sebe vučene menice, trasat.


masculineIPA: / aktseptor /

Primalac, odobravalac (lat.)


masculineIPA: / primalats /

Onaj koji prima.

Možemo da šaljemo imejlove koje može da pročita samo primalac, ali ne i NSA.
Source: TED2020
Ali ipak, ono u čemu je potencijal - i samo gledajte tamo - ono u čemu je potencijal, očigledno, je da na neki način pomeramo granicu toga ko je autor, a ko primalac poruke.
Source: TED2020
Kada poruka pređe sa jednog neurona na drugi, neuron primalac oslobađa endokanabinoide.
Source: TED2020

Similar words to "acceptor"

accepter · Accipiter
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.