Plural: acceptors
ETYM Latin.
1. Accepter.
2. One that accepts an order or a bill of exchange.
3. An atom, molecule, or subatomic particle capable of receiving another entity (as an electron) especially to form a compound compare donor.
The person (or institution) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures.
accepter · acceptilation · accepting bank · acceptingly · accepting state · acception · acceptive · acceptor · accept the call · accept wooden money · access · access arm
Primalac (kod svakog ugovora, od dveju ugovaračkih strana, paciscenata, jedna je promitent-ponuđač, a druga akceptant-primalac); primalac jedne na sebe vučene menice, trasat.
Primalac, odobravalac (lat.)
Onaj koji prima.