Translation "accessibility" to Serbian

dostupnost · pristupačnost


nounIPA: / æksesəbɪləti /

Plural: accessibilities

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin accessibilitas: cf. French accessibilité.
The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptibility.
The ease with which a place may be reached. An area with high accessibility will generally have a well-developed transport network and be centrally located or at least at a route center. Many economic activities, such as retailing, commerce, and industry, require high accessibility for their customers and raw materials.
Accessibility can be measured by an accessibility index or matrix. In this method, a topolo
gical (simplified) map of the transport network is produced and a table constructed to show the number of links necessary to get from one destination to another. The place with the fewest links has the lowest Shimbel index (highest accessibility). This method ignores all other factors, such as population density, distance, quality of link, and traffic flow. Another measure is the beta index.

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Translate 'accessibility' into
Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / dostupnost /
Jedno je sigurno, u holandskom slikarstvu tog doba, otvorena usta žene, ukazivala su na seksualnu dostupnost.
Source: TED2020
Grejpfrut se vezuje za isti enzim kao i statini i pri tome smanjuje dostupnost tog enzima u razgradnji statina.
Source: TED2020
(Smeh) Tako da se ova ideja bavi i činjenicom da ako imate AIDS, morate da imate određen kvalitet ishrane, i idejom da je ishrana podjednako važna kao i dostupnost anti-viralnih lekova.
Source: TED2020


feminineIPA: / pristupatʃnost /
Međutim, takođe je veoma ozbiljno jer sva ta pristupačnost može da posluži u situacijama gde ljudi ne mogu da koriste računare.
Source: TED2020
Radimo sa ljudima iz IBM-ove grupe za istraživanje iz Centra za pristupačnost (Accessibility Center) kako bismo povezali tehnologije u radu ka razvijanju univerzalnog prevodioca.
Source: TED2020
Dakle, sada je vreme za akciju, za propise koji se odnose na privlačnost i pristupačnost ovih uređaja mladima.
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.