Translation "ace in the hole" to Serbian

ace in the hole{noun}{playing cards}

ace in the hole

nounplaying cardsIPA: / ˈeɪs ɪn ðə hoʊl /

Plural: ace in the holes

Definition and meaning

1. An ace dealt face down to a player (as in stud poker) and not exposed until the showdown.
2. An effective and decisive argument or resource held in reserve

Words nearby

AC/DC · ace · acedia · ace-high · ace in the hole · acentric · acephalic

Serbian translation


masculineplaying cardsIPA: / adut /

U kartama: najjača boja, tj. karta koja tuče i nosi sve ostale; najjače sredstvo, najjači razlog.

Bila sam u Njujorku, na snimanju, kada sam upoznala južno-sudanskog modela Adut Akeč, koja je takođe, igrom slučaja, rođena baš ovde u Kakumi.
Source: TED2020
Njegov glavni adut sada je: zašto se u R&D ne diskutuje malo više o tome?
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.