Translation "Achilles" to Serbian

Ahilova peta
Achilles tendon{noun}{anatomy}
Ahilova tetiva


masculinemythologyIPA: / əkɪliz /

Plural: Achilles

Definition and meaning

A mythical Greek hero of Homer's Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his
Ancient Greek hero; mighty soldier. Achilles heel, vulnerable spot. Achilles tendon, hamstring; tendon between calf and heel.
Greek hero of Homer’s Iliad. He was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons in Thessa
ly, and of the sea nymph Thetis, who rendered him invulnerable, except for the heel by which she held him, by dipping him in the river Styx. Achilles killed Hector at the climax of the Iliad, and according to subsequent Greek legends was himself killed by Paris, who shot a poisoned arrow into Achilles’ heel.

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Translate 'Achilles' into
Serbian translation


masculinemythologyIPA: / axil /

Najveži grčki junak u Trojanskom ratu, sin Peleja i božice Tetide.

Pričali su mu o velikom heroju zvanom Ahil, čije je učešće u bici garantovalo pobedu, ali kada se povukao iz bitke, poraz je bio neizbežan.
Source: TED2020
"Ahil je bio čovek koji je mogao da oblikuje istoriju, miljenik sudbine, i to je ono što bi i ti trebalo da budeš, Aleksandre."
Source: TED2020
nemaštinu u prosperitet. Manje sam ranjiv no Ahil, sudbina me ne može baš nigde pogoditi.''
Source: TED2020

Achilles heel

nounIPA: / əˈkɪliz ˈhiːl /

Plural: Achilles heels

Definition and meaning

A seemingly small but actual mortal weakness.
Vulnerable point.

Translate 'Achilles heel' into
Serbian translation

Ahilova peta

feminineIPA: / axiloʋa peta /

Jedino ranjivo mesto najvećeg starogrčkog junaka Ahila, koji se osobito istakao u trojanskom ratu; prema mitologiji mogao je biti samo ranjen u petu.
Ahil je mogao samo na jednome mestu biti ranjen, i to na peti; otu
da: slabost, slaba strana, mana jednog čoveka; Ahilova žila, anat. najjača nožna žila koja se spušta do zadnjeg, mesnatog dela gnjata (lista), do pete.

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#očekujte nas. #oborićemo vas.“ „Ovo je Ahilova peta NSA. Otvorena mreža.“
Source: TED2020

Achilles tendon

nounanatomyIPA: / əˈkɪliz ˈtendən /

Plural: Achilles tendons

Definition and meaning

A large tendon that runs from the heel to the calf; Also called: tendon of Achilles.
Tendon at the back of the ankle attaching the calf muscles to the heel bone. It is one of the largest tendons in the human body.

Translate 'Achilles tendon' into
Serbian translation

Ahilova tetiva

feminineanatomyIPA: / axiloʋa tetiʋa /
Imaju vene po stopalima i moja peta je roze i moja Ahilova tetiva - koja se malo pokreće.
Source: TED2020

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