Translation "acoustic" to Serbian

akustičan · zvučan · slušni
acoustic coupler{noun}{computers}
akustički priključak
slušni kanal
acoustic guitar{noun}{music}
akustična gitara
prigušivač zvuka mašine
acoustic memory{noun}{computers}
akustična memorija


adjectiveIPA: / əkuːstɪk /
Definition and meaning

ETYM French acoustique, Greek akoustikos relating to hearing, from akouein to hear.
Of or relating to the science of acoustics; SYN. acoustical.
Pertaining to the hearing, to sound and its transmission; worked by sound or echoes.

Translate 'acoustic' into
Serbian translation


adjectiveIPA: / akustitʃan /

Koji odgovara zakonima akustike, podesan za primanje i prenošenje zvuka (npr. dvornica, pozorište, crkva), sagrađen tako da se reči i tonovi mogu svuda lepo i jasno čuti; akustična sredstva sredstva koja služe poboljšanju ili pojačanju slabog sluha.

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adjectiveIPA: / zʋutʃan /


adjectiveIPA: / sluʃni /
Na primer, ako naš test pokaže da osoba na uslovnoj kazni ima poteškoća da zapamti stvari koje čuje, to ukazuje na slušni memorijski deficit.
Source: TED2020
A naš slušni sistem ima funkciju čuvara.
Source: TED2020
Hajde da iskoristimo tržište kao najbolji slušni aparat koji imamo i da razumemo po kojoj ceni bi ljudi kupovali ovo, tako da imaju dostojanstvo izbora.
Source: TED2020

acoustic coupler

nouncomputersIPA: / əˈkuːstɪk ˈkəplər /

Plural: acoustic couplers

Definition and meaning

Device that enables computer data to be transmitted and received through a normal telephone handset; the handset rests on the coupler to make the connection. A small speaker within the device is used to convert the computer's digital output data into sound signals, which are then picked up by the handset and transmitted through the telephone system. At the receiving telephone, a second acoustic coupler or modem converts the sound signals back into digital data for input into a computer.
Unlike a modem, an acoustic coupler does not require direct connection
to the telephone system. However, interference from background noise means that the quality of transmission is poorer than with a modem, and more errors are likely to arise.
An archaic device once used in computer communications. The coupler was a cradle-like instrument into which the headset of a telephone was placed. Its function was somewhat similar to the job now done by modems.

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Translate 'acoustic coupler' into
Serbian translation

akustički priključak

masculinecomputersIPA: / akustitʃki prikʎutʃak /

Staromodni modemski uređaj koji je radio tako što je telefonska slušalica stavljana na dva gumena nosača. Ranije je bio neophodan, pošto niste mogli da uključite modem u telefonsku priključnicu u zidu (pošto je nije bilo). U nekim zemljama se još uvek dosta koriste akustički priključci, a koriste se i za prenosne računare kada vam telefonska utičnica nije dostupna.

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acoustic duct

nounIPA: / əˈkuːstɪk ˈdəkt /

Plural: acoustic ducts

Serbian translation

slušni kanal

masculineIPA: / sluʃni kanal /

acoustic guitar

nounmusicIPA: / əˈkuːstɪk ɡəˈtɑːr /

Plural: acoustic guitars

Definition and meaning

A guitar whose sound is not amplified by electrical means.

Serbian translation

akustična gitara

femininemusicIPA: / akustitʃna ɡitara /

Gitara čiji zvuk nije pojačan električnom strujom.

acoustic hood

nounIPA: / əˈkuːstɪk ˈhʊd /

Plural: acoustic hoods

Serbian translation

prigušivač zvuka mašine

masculineIPA: / priɡuʃiʋatʃ zʋuka maʃine /

acoustic memory

nouncomputersIPA: / əˈkuːstɪk ˈmeməri /

Plural: acoustic memories

Translate 'acoustic memory' into
Serbian translation

akustična memorija

femininecomputersIPA: / akustitʃna memorija /

Memorija sa akustičnim transmisionim linijama ili kolima.

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Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.