Translation "acoustics" to Serbian

akustika · akustičnost · nauka o zvuku


nounIPA: / əkuːstɪks /

Plural: acoustics

Definition and meaning

ETYM Names of sciences in -ics, as, acoustics, mathematics, etc., are usually treated as singular. Related to -ics.
The study of the physical properties of sound.
The degree of sound. The nature, cause, and phenomena of the
vibrations of elastic bodies; which vibrations create compressional waves or wave fronts which are transmitted through various media, such as air, water, wood, steel, etc.

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Translate 'acoustics' into
Serbian translation


feminineIPA: / akustika /

1. Nauka o zakonima zvuka i sluha
2. Osobine sale da prenosi zvuk.

Sve što je promenjeno je akustika učionice u ta dva primera.
Source: TED2020


feminineIPA: / akustitʃnost /

Svojstvo neke prostorije da dobro prima i prenosi zvuk.

nauka o zvuku

feminineIPA: / nauka o zʋuku /

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