Translation "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" to Serbian

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

nounmedicineIPA: / əˈkwaɪərd ˌɪˈmjuːn dəˈfɪʃənsi ˈsɪndroʊm /

Plural: acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Definition and meaning

Full name for the disease AIDS.
A serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles



Serbian translation


abbreviationmedicineIPA: / sida /

Skraćenica za opasnu zaraznu bolest koja napadnuti organizam čini neotpornim, tj. organizmu nedostaju odbrambene snage da bi se suprotstavio njenim virusima, što usporava efikasno lečenje (fr.)

Ali postoji i niz stvari, SIDA, hepatitis, malarija, TB, i druge. I jednostavnije poput usmeravanja lečenja.
Source: TED2020
SIDA više ne mora ubiti dva miliona ljudi godišnje.
Source: TED2020
Kako se bavi stvarnim problemima u Africi kao što su rat, siromaštvo, pustošenje ili sida?“
Source: TED2020
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.