Translation "acropolis" to Serbian

akropolj · akropola · Akropolis


nounIPA: / əkrɑːpələs /

Plural: acropolis

Definition and meaning

ETYM Greek akropolis; akros extreme + polis city.
The citadel in ancient Greek towns.
Fortified elevated part of ancient Greek city. Acropolis the ancient citadel of Athens.
Citadel of an ancient Greek town. The Acrop
olis of Athens contains the ruins of the Parthenon and surrounding complexes, built there during the days of the Athenian empire.
The term is also used for analogous structures.

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Translate 'acropolis' into
Serbian translation


masculineIPA: / akropoʎ /

Utvrđeni najviši deo grčkih gradova, akropola (grč.).


feminineIPA: / akropola /

1. Visoka tvrđava u starim grčkim gradovima; najčuvenija je Akropola sa hramom Partenon
2. Gornji grad.


masculineIPA: / akropolis /

Gornji grad, gradska tvrđava u Atini i ostalim grčkim gradovima, Akropolj.

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