Translation "acrylic" to Serbian

akrilno vlakno
acrylic acid{noun}{chemistry}
akrilna kiselina
acrylic fiber{noun}{clothing}
akrilno vlakno
akrilna boja
acrylic resin{noun}{chemistry}
akrilna smola


adjectivechemistryIPA: / əkrɪlɪk /
Definition and meaning

Of or containing acryl, the radical of which acrolein is the hydride
Polymerized from acrylonitrile.

Translate 'acrylic' into
Serbian translation


adjectivechemistryIPA: / akrilni /


nounchemistryIPA: / əkrɪlɪk /

Plural: acrylics

Definition and meaning

1. A glassy thermoplastic that can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives; SYN. acrylic resin, acrylate resin.
2. A synthetic fabric formed of polymers
3. a kind of acrylic-based paint used especially by artists; SYN. acrylic paint.

Translate 'acrylic' into
Serbian translation

akrilno vlakno

nounclothingIPA: / akrilno ʋlakno /

Polimer akrilne kiseline.

acrylic acid

nounchemistryIPA: / əˈkrɪlɪk ˈæsəd /

Plural: acrylic acids

Definition and meaning

Common name for propenoic acid.
An unsaturated liquid carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of acrylic resins
An unsaturated liquid acid C3H4O2 that polymerizes readily to form useful products (as constituents for varnishes and lacquers).

Translate 'acrylic acid' into
Serbian translation

akrilna kiselina

femininechemistryIPA: / akrilna kiselina /

acrylic fiber

nounclothingIPA: / əˈkrɪlɪk ˈfaɪbər /

Plural: acrylic fibers

Definition and meaning

Fiber polymerized from acrylonitrile; SYN. acrylic.
Synthetic fiber often used as a substitute for wool. It was first developed 1947 but not produced in great volumes unt
il the 1950s. Strong and warm, acrylic fiber is often used for casual and athletic wear, and as linings for boots and gloves.

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Serbian translation

akrilno vlakno

nounclothingIPA: / akrilno ʋlakno /

Polimer akrilne kiseline.

acrylic paint

nounIPA: / əˈkrɪlɪk ˈpeɪnt /

Plural: acrylic paints

Definition and meaning

Any of a range of synthetic substitutes for oil paint, mostly soluble in water. Acrylic paints are used in a variety of painting techniques, from wash to impasto. They dry quicker than oil paint, but lack the translucency of natural substances.



Serbian translation

akrilna boja

feminineIPA: / akrilna boja /

acrylic resin

nounchemistryIPA: / əˈkrɪlɪk ˈreˌzɪn /

Plural: acrylic resins

Definition and meaning

A glassy thermoplastic made by polymerizing acrylic acid or methacrylic acid or a derivative of either and used for cast and molded parts or as coatings and adhesives.

Serbian translation

akrilna smola

feminineIPA: / akrilna smola /

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