Translation "acrylic fiber" to Serbian

acrylic fiber{noun}{clothing}
akrilno vlakno

acrylic fiber

nounclothingIPA: / əˈkrɪlɪk ˈfaɪbər /

Plural: acrylic fibers

Definition and meaning

Fiber polymerized from acrylonitrile; SYN. acrylic.
Synthetic fiber often used as a substitute for wool. It was first developed 1947 but not produced in great volumes unt
il the 1950s. Strong and warm, acrylic fiber is often used for casual and athletic wear, and as linings for boots and gloves.

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Serbian translation

akrilno vlakno

nounclothingIPA: / akrilno ʋlakno /

Polimer akrilne kiseline.

Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.