Translation "acupressure" to Serbian



nounmedicineIPA: / akypʁɛsˈyʁ /

Plural: acupressures

Definition and meaning

ETYM Latin acus needle + premere, pressum, to press.
(Chinese and Japanese) Treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body; SYN. G-Jo, shiatsu.
Traditional Sino-Japanese massage technique using pressure points to increase viatality, relieve pain, and strengthen auto-immune system; Medical pressing needle across blood vessel to stop hemorrhage.
In alternative medicine, generic term covering several massage techniques, mostly Chinese, in which fingertip pressure i
s applied to points on the body to stimulate the vital energy in corresponding organs. These techniques include shiatsu, developed in Japan from Chinese roots, do-in, and acu-yoga. Acupressure may be used for immediate relief of symptoms, for the maintenance of general health, and in supporting other forms of treatment. It lends itself to application as a self-help technique.

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G-Jo · shiatsu

Serbian translation


femininemedicineIPA: / akupresura /

Zaustavljanje krvi pristkom krvnog suda metalnom iglom.

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