Translation "acute angle" to Serbian

oštar ugao
acute-angled triangle{noun}{mathematics}
oštrougli trougao

acute angle

nounIPA: / əˈkjuːt ˈæŋɡl̩ /

Plural: acute angles

Definition and meaning

An angle between 0º and 90º; that is, an amount of turn that is less than a quarter of a circle.

Serbian translation

oštar ugao

masculineIPA: / oʃtar uɡao /
Ovo je ujedninjenje cevčica. Počnete da učite uglove -- oštar ugao, prav ugao, tup ugao, ugao od 180 stepeni.
Source: TED2020
Ovo je ujedninjenje cevčica. Počnete da učite uglove oštar ugao, prav ugao, tup ugao, ugao od 180 stepeni.
Source: TED2020


Serbian translation


adjectiveIPA: / oʃtrouɡli /

acute-angled triangle

nounmathematicsIPA: / |acute-angled| ˈtraˌjæŋɡl̩ /

Plural: acute-angled triangles

Definition and meaning

A triangle whose interior angles are all acute

Words nearby

thus · Calopogon tuberosum · acute-angled triangle

Serbian translation

oštrougli trougao

masculinemathematicsIPA: / oʃtrouɡli trouɡao /

Trougao kod koga su svi unutrašnji uglovi oštri.

Similar words to "acute angle"

academical · academically
Translation may not be correct. Examples are from unreviewed external source.