Translation "Adams" to Serbian

Adams Ansel


masculinepersonalIPA: / ædəmz /
Definition and meaning

(1819-1892) English astronomer who mathematically deduced the existence of the planet Neptune 1845 from the effects of its gravitational pull on the motion of Uranus, although it was not found until 1846 by J G Galle. Adams also studied the Moon's motion, the Leonid meteors, and terrestrial magnetism.
Adams was born in Landeast, Cornwall, and educated at Cambridge, where he spent virtually his entire career. He became professor 1858 and director of the observatory 1860.
The calculations to account for certain aberrations in the orbit of Uranus were taken up independently by Adams and French astronom
er Urbain Leverrier. By 1845 Adams had determined the position and certain characteristics of the hypothetical planet affecting the orbit, but a search for the new planet was not instigated for nearly a year at Cambridge.
Meanwhile, Leverrier sent his figure to Galle at the Berlin Observatory, and Galle, having better maps, was able to find the planet within a few hours. The discovery of Neptune was credited to Leverrier.

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Serbian translation


masculinepersonalIPA: / adams /

1. Drugi predsednik SAD-a, 1797-1801.
2. Engleski astronom.

Ansel Adams je rekao, i ne slažem se sa njim, "Vi ne slikate fotografiju, vi je pravite."
Source: TED2020
Kako je Frenklin Pirs Adams istakao: „Ništa nije zaslužnije za dobre stare dane od lošeg pamćenja."
Source: TED2020
Ovo je Daglas Adams, sjajna fotografija iz njegove knjige Poslednja šansa da progledamo.
Source: TED2020


masculinepersonalIPA: / ædəmz /
Definition and meaning

(1735-1826) Second President of the United States.
2nd president of the US 1797–1801, and vice president 1789–97. He was a member of the Continental Congress 1774–78 and signed the Declaration of Independence. In 1779 he went to F
rance and negotiated the treaty of 1783 that ended the American Revolution. In 1785 he became the first US ambassador in London.
He was born in Quincy, Massachusetts.

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Words nearby

adamite · adamitical · adamitism · Adams · Adam's ale · Adam's apple

Serbian translation


masculinepersonalIPA: / adams /

1. Drugi predsednik SAD-a, 1797-1801.
2. Engleski astronom.

Ovo je Daglas Adams, sjajna fotografija iz njegove knjige Poslednja šansa da progledamo.
Source: TED2020
Tvrđava patuljaka je kao Sveti gral među ovakvim onlajn igrama za veliki broj igrača, i braća Adams su bila u Rejkjaviku i dobili su gromki aplauz od svih Iv Onlajn fanova.
Source: TED2020
Još je rekao, "E sad, Džon Adams je bio previše iskren."
Source: TED2020


masculinepersonalIPA: / ædəmz /
Definition and meaning

(1902-1984) US photographer. He is known for his printed images of dramatic landscapes and organic forms of the American West. Light and texture were important elements in his photographs. He was associated with the zone system of exposure estimation and was a founder member of the “f/64” group which advocated precise definition.
In 1916 Adams made his first trip to the Yosemite National Park, California; the Yosemite and the High Sierras remained a major focus of his work throughout his life. Aiming to establi
sh photography as a fine art, he founded the first museum collection of photography, at New York City's Museum of Modern Art 1937.
Although Adams first became a professional musician, he turned to professional photography in the late 1920s. His love of nature also carried over into his work as a conservationist and director of the Sierra Club from 1936.

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Words nearby

Adams · Adam's ale · Adam's apple

Serbian translation

Adams Ansel

masculinepersonalIPA: / adams ansel /

Američki fotograf.

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