Translation "Addis Ababa" to Serbian

Addis Ababa{noun}{geology}
Adis Abeba

Addis Ababa

noungeologyIPA: / ˈɑːˌdɪs əˈbɑːbə /

Plural: Addis Ababas

Definition and meaning

The capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city; located in central Ethiopia; Also called: capital of Ethiopia.
Or Adis Abeba; Capital of Ethiopia; It was founded 1887 by Menelik, chief of Shoa, who ascended the throne o
f Ethiopia 1889. His former residence, Menelik Palace, is now occupied by the government.
The city is the headquarters of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

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Addis Ababa · New Flower · capital of Ethiopia

Translate 'Addis Ababa' into
Serbian translation

Adis Abeba

femininegeologyIPA: / adis abeba /

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Similar words to "Addis Ababa"

Adis Abeba
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