Translation "Addison's disease" to Serbian

Addison's disease{noun}{medicine}
Adisonova bolest

Addison's disease

nounmedicineIPA: / ˈædəsənz ˌdɪˈziːz /

Plural: Addison's diseases

Definition and meaning

A glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin; Also called: Addison's syndrome, hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenocorticism.
Rare condition caused by destruction of the outer part of the adrenal glands, leading to reduced secretion of corticosteroid hormones; it is tre
ated by replacement of these hormones. The condition, formerly fatal, is mostly caused by autoimmune disease or tuberculosis. Symptoms include weight loss, anemia, weakness, low blood pressure, digestive upset, and brownish pigmentation of the skin.

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Serbian translation

Adisonova bolest

femininemedicineIPA: / adisonoʋa bolest /

Oboljenje nadbubrežnih žlezda (znaci: bronzana boja kože, opšta iznemoglost; može da bude smrtonosna).
Otkrio ju je engleski lekar Adison, 1793-1860)

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