Relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.
lymphatic tissue · lymphoid tissue
U vezi limfnih žlezda i limfnog tkiva. Žlezdolik, žlezdast.
Plural: adenoids
A mass of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula; SYN. pharyngeal tonsil.
A collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx)
Luschka's tonsil · pharyngeal tonsil · third tonsil · tonsilla adenoidea · tonsilla pharyngealis
Preterano uvećan treći krajnik.
1. Of or pertaining to the adenoids.
2. Sounding as if the nose were pinched; SYN. pinched, nasal.
high · high-pitched · lymphatic tissue · lymphoid tissue · nasal · pinched
U vezi limfnih žlezda i limfnog tkiva. Žlezdolik, žlezdast.